This shows how to convert a Soundcraft EPM8 mixer to pre-main mix headphone and monitor out, which allows to use the headphones even if the main mix level is all the way down. Or send the monitor out to a second set of speakers independently of the main mix volume level.
The modification probably applies to the whole range of EPM6, EPM8, EPM12, EFX8 and EFX12 mixers, if in doubt check the service manuals.
remove all knobs, fader caps, jack nuts,washers and top screws, remove screws on the sides, back and bottom (do not remove the screws on the mains power inlet and the ones next to it)
desolder the two 10k SMD resistors R26 and R27:

solder the two 10k resistors next to C3 and C4:
wire bottom pad of former R26 to 10k next to C3 and bottom pad of former R27 to 10k resistor next to C4:
carefully reassemble in reverse order :)
Pressing the "2 Track to Monitor" button will now send the pre-fader main mix to the monitor and headphone outputs.